
Clothes Closet

The clothes closet is a way for parents to donate uniforms they no longer need and is open for any parents that need uniforms for their child(ren). These donated items are also used for children that need an unexpected change of uniform during the school day.

Family Night Out

Family Night Out is a great way to work with local eateries in order to create a fun family night out while raising money for the school. These are more frequently known as restaurant fundraisers where families can eat out and a portion of their food bill gets donated to the school. In the past we’ve had these events at Pete’s Restaurant and Brewhouse, and Waffle Experience, just as an example. We are looking for a parent to be in charge of this event. Duties would be to find a restaurant that would be willing to host the event as well as publicizing this event to Westlake Charter Families.

Fireworks Booth

In the days leading up to July 4th, Westlake Charter School runs a fireworks booth in the Safeway parking lot on the corner of Del Paso and E. Commerce. This is a huge fundraiser for the school! We are looking for a parent to take charge of this fundraiser. It would include everything from making sure we have enough inventory, setting up the booth itself, finding sponsorships from local businesses (such as coupons to be given out if a customer purchases a certain amount of fireworks), and organizing the volunteers for the booth. We are also looking for people that would be interested in helping out as volunteers to help as well!

Lost and Found

We are all well aware that kids are constantly losing things, and many times, these things are not cheap! We are looking for a parent to take charge of the lost and found on the Pebblewood campus. This would include going through the items and looking for names to try and get the items back to their owners. It would also include sending out reminders periodically throughout the school year for parents to go through lost and found.

Movie Night

Movie night is fun family night hosted by WAVE where we show a family movie in the multipurpose room at the Del Paso Campus and provide refreshments. We are looking for a parent who is interested in spearheading this fun event. Duties would include movie suggestions, securing movie licensing, figuring out refreshments such as popcorn, and organizing volunteers for this event. We are also looking for volunteers interested in helping out at this event, such as working refreshment tables.

Olympic Triathlon

The Olympic Triathlon is by far the biggest fundraiser for the school and happens every fall. We are looking for 2 parents who are interested in taking over the organizing of this event next year. From requesting families to get sponsorships and coming up with incentives (individual/classroom) to reach sponsorship goals, to setting up activities and organizing volunteers for the actual Triathlon event. In preparation for that, these parents would be shadowing our current Olympic Triathlon lead parent to get better acquainted with the program in order to set you up for success the next year! We are also looking for volunteers interested in helping out at this event this year.

Staff Appreciation Week

Every year, we like to show our wonderful teachers and staff how much we appreciate all they do. During teacher appreciation week, we come up with ideas for the kids to do for their teachers for every day of teacher appreciation week such as bringing flowers, school supplies, a kind note, etc. WAVE also sponsors several treats for them during this time such as breakfast. We are looking for a parent interested in spearheading this effort, coming up with ideas for our kids and our parents to show our hardworking teachers and staff how much they are appreciated as well as getting the information to our families via “secret” flyer.

After School Enrichment Outreach

A new program with lots of positive feedback, the after school enrichment program is a volunteer led after school program where parents who would like to teach or run a program to help enrich students in whatever subject they’d like. (Examples last year: Prodigy Math Club, Soccer Club, Basketball Club). Programs are held once a week in the Fall and Spring. We are looking for parents that would like to create an after school enrichment program. This can be anything you’re interested in and think students would be interested in.

Parent Mixer

In an effort to build community amongst our parents, WAVE would love to hold an off campus, adult mixer to get to know the familiar faces we see day in and day out. It’s an opportunity to say hi and get to know each other outside of a friendly smile as we pass each other on campus. We’d like a parent to take this on by setting a date and coming up with some locations to hold the event as well as publicize it to the parent community.

School Cents/Shopping to Educate

To raise money for WCS, we participate in programs at local shopping centers including Arden Fair Mall. We looking for one or two parents to facilitate programs, pick up promotional materials, submit points for WCS and communicate upcoming events.