
We are all parents of the children attending Westlake Charter School. We are partners with the school in educating our children about respect, excellence, responsibility, curiosity, confidence, diversity, community and joyful learning.

WAVE simply offers a structure to connect parents to the volunteer needs of the school. Within this structure, there are leadership opportunities which help to define and orchestrate parent participation. There are “Teams” such as Fundraising, Hospitality-Community Building, Communications and Parent Participation.

WAVE distributes information throughout the school year about current parent participation opportunities and initiates monthly meetings for parents to share ideas. WAVE strives to find a place for every parent to participate, so not only do our children and the school benefit, but we as parents enjoy our experience and are proud of our contribution to the amazing culture of Westlake Charter School.

Join WAVE and help us deliver on our mission: Building our Community through service to our students, educators and families.

Please join the Westlake Charter Parents Group (WAVE) Facebook group to connect with other parents.