
Felix Flores, Jr. – President

The President shall provide vision and direction for carrying out the mission of the WAVE. It is the responsibility of the President to oversee all functions and business of the WAVE and to lend support to various planning teams and subcommittees by assuring the allocation of all necessary resources to achieve their goals. The president is the official representative of the WAVE to the school administration and facilitates regular meetings with the Principal, the School Board, and WAVE members. In addition the President is responsible for setting the agenda for monthly WAVE meetings.

Vacant – VP of Business Affairs

The Vice President shall assist the President and carry out the President’s duties in his or her absence or inability to serve; oversee fundraising Committee, including but not limited to the three major annual fundraisers (Golf Tournament, Olympic Triathlon, Spring Fundraiser); review new business proposals and business contracts for Executive Board discussion and/or approval; participate as a member of the Business and Finance committee; attend WCS finance committee meetings as a liaison for WAVE.

Vacant – VP of Parent Participation

The Vice President shall oversee Parent Participation team; oversee Hospitality and Community Building team and community building events; encourage new ways for WAVE members to be involved and meet their parent participation hours; assist the president as needed.

Dave Edwards – Secretary

The Secretary works with the President to prepare and monitor meeting agendas and keeps meeting minutes which are presented at the monthly WAVE meetings, kept on record in the school office and are posted to the school website. The Secretary prepares all official WAVE correspondence (such as “Thank you” notes), maintains and distributes a parent contact list for WAVE use and alerts the Communications Team Leader about upcoming meetings and events for publicity purposes. The secretary will support all Team members in their endeavors.

Amy Wall – Treasurer

The Treasurer is responsible for receiving and disbursing all monies, keeps an accurate account of the receipts and disbursements and submits oral and written financial reports at all general membership meetings. The Treasurer creates an annual budget based on the WAVE calendar of events and general Team needs. The Treasurer will support all Team members in their endeavors.